The Rock
Sitting in the very green countryside of Cashel, Ireland in County Tipperary, is Hore Abby. It was built in the 13th century as a Benedictine Abby. After the 1200s it was a parish church for a period and then a private dwelling.
The Abby sits about 200 meters downhill from the Rock of Cashel, an up-cropping in Cashel also known as St. Patrick’s Rock, Kings’ Rock, or just The Rock. The wall surrounding the Rock can be seen at the bottom of the Abby’s photo. Legend is that the Rock of Cashel is where St. Patrick banished the devil, and the place where he converted the king who ruled the area in the 5th century to Christianity.
A chapel is one of the oldest structures on the Rock. Across the 1th and 12th centuries, a cathedral and residence with a high tower were added. All three are inter-connected. In the photo above, the chapel is the right wing and residence to the left; the tower and cathedral are on the far side.
During our 2014 visit, the ruins were under a multi-year restoration project. The photo that follows was taken within the cathedral and shows the tower. The last photo is of highly prized 12th century remains of paintings on the chapel's arched ceiling.