Isolated Beauty and Danger
Kauai is the northern most island in the Hawaiian chain. The habitable areas are along the coast, because the interior is covered with...
Cookie Man
The drivers at CATA apparently love Sue's cookies. Three or four times a year Sue shares extra cookies she baked for UMW events with...
Sixty Years Ago
In 1959 what was it that boys wanted for Christmas? Many, including my two brother and me, wanted a Schwinn bicycle. Well, Santa came...
Merry Christmas
These are photos of the Christmas Tree decorated with its colonial inspired hand made ornaments in the lobby of the Dewitt Wallace...
One of our favorite evening ceremonies during the weeks before Christmas in Colonial Williamsburg are the Illuminations. During an...
Past neighbor girls frequently left their shoes and boot by the back door. They made interesting photo subjects.
Upper, Lower and More
The Yomesite National Park is literally "awash" with high waterfalls. The namesake falls, Yosemite Falls, is the highest waterfall in the...
The Stand-In
Though the Penn State World Campus offers over 100 undergraduate and graduate degree and certificate programs at a distance, it is common...