Mist Trail
Thousands make the 2 mile climb every year up the Mist Trail in Yosemite National Park to Vernal Falls and Nevada Falls above it. The trail follows the Mercid River as it rushes down from the high Sierras.
Two hundred feet prior to Vernal Falls the trail becomes very narrow, rough and uneven, steep, and wet from spray off the falls (hence, the "Mist Trail" title). These factors and the heavy two-way traffic make that section of the climb not only a challenge but down-right dangerous: a slip off the trail could result in a fall into the bolder strewn pit below the falls.
Hikers who desire an additional challenge can make a 300 ft strenuous climb up the side of Vernal Falls and then onto Nevada Falls above it.
The photo below was taken from Glacial Point, which is 3,000 ft above the Yosemite Valley floor. It shows the challenging terrain below and above the two falls on the opposite side of the valley. Vernal Falls is in the lower center of the photo and Nevada Falls further up the Merced River to the right. The Merced River and the two falls, as well as the other falls in Yosemite Valley, are fed by the snow capped high Sierra Mountains across the background.