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"All Good Things..." 2 5/4/22

This is a continuation of my 4/30/22 Blog Entry.

Before returning home, each fellow will complete a minimum 6-weeek internship in which they will apply and extend their newly developed knowledge and skills, a small number at Penn State (e.g., Office of Budget and Planning), with most at other institutions (e.g., University of Illinois), Government Agencies (e.g., US Department of Education) and NGOs (e.g., American Psychological Association).

Nagwa, for whom Sue and I were community hosts, believes sustainability is a key concept relevant to every aspects of society and so needs to be integrated across the university curriculum in Egypt. She thanked those who supported her and contributed to her fellowship experience via a video, which I share below (click on the URL or copy it into your browser). The background music is beautiful song Shokran (which translate from Arabic as “Thank You”) sung by the Syrian entertainer Assala Nasri.

Vuyo is committed to improving the low level of literacy in South Africa through early reading instruction and the develop school libraries. Her family came for a visit just prior to Easter. They traveled by rental-car to the attractions in Orlando. Helping her adjust to driving on the "Right" side of the road was an experience!

Billur is interested in implementing Equitable Teaching Practices for LGBTQ students in her home country of Turkey.

Lissette seeks to improving human rights and social justice in Chile, consistent with the nation's new constitution, through teacher education.


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