Another Furnace 5/20/21
At about the 5.5 mile point on the Lower Rail-Trail is the Mt. Etna access point. Riding from there south to Williamsburg (PA) and back is one of our favorite bike rides - about 11 mile RT. Historically the site is much more than a rail-trail access point. It was the site of a major lock when the Frankstown Branch of the Juniata River was part of the Pennsylvania Canal System and the Mt Etna Furnace was in operaiton. Later, when a Pennsylvania Rail Road shortcut line was built along the river between to point in the PRR main line, i.e., Petersburg and Hollidaysburg, it was both a stop and the site of a siding to a nearby quarry. Today, of course, the PRR rail bed of is the Lower Rail-Trail and Mt. Etna is a popular access point with a parking lot, picnic pavilions, protective shelters for hikers, and a pit toilet.
In the first half of the 19th century the Mt. Etna was the site of the Etna Iron Furnace complex (also known as the Aetna Furnace, and Aetna Iron Works). Today, furnace complex land is in private hands. Some buildings and structures have been kept-up, remodeled and are still in use, others are in disrepair, and still others are piles of rubble. A protective support covers and almost hides the remaining stone iron furnaces (top photo). A second furnace no longer stands. The many buildings and remnant have been cataloged by state museum system historians and the area is a National Historic Site.
Please see the 2/9/21. 4/10/21 and 4/20/21 Blog entries for related information and photos.