First Siting 6/19/21
I have been riding rail-trails in central Pennsylvania for two decades. These run mainly through the valleys in mountainous, forested terrain. As a result, it is not unusual to see wildlife. Of course, there are the common backyard chipmunks, squirrels, birds and insects. On the other hand, I have literally "crossed paths" with Canada geese (with goslings), wild turkey, deer, hawks, black snakes, bats (in tunnels), fox.... PA rail-trail web sites include trail side photos of these, as well as black bears, rattlesnakes, and eagles. Last fall my wife and I have a male ruffed grouse come out of the bush while we were sitting on a trail-side bench bench, and danced around our feet. Any wildlife siting makes a trail ride more exciting.
Until this past weekend, I had not seen a live Timber rattlesnake, even though central PA is part of this rattlesnake's range - even at the sunny rock on Pine Creek known as Rattlesnake Rock (rail-trail mile post 26). But this past weekend we found the 4 ft Timber Rattlesnake pictured below crossing the rail-trail in the Hilborn Fields area (mile post 35).