Late March Colors (4/5/21)
The forecast was for increasing clouds, temperatures in the high 60s, and rain arriving after nightfall, but there was time to get away on a COVID GOOTH. We headed to Penn State’s Stone Valley Recreation Area for our typical hike around the east and south sides of Lake Perez. As on our last visit a few weeks earlier (see my 3/16/21 Blog entry) a lot of other people had the same idea, many of whom were not following the posted mask mandate. So we opted to hike around the north cove, over the boardwalk covered marsh where Shaver’s Creek feeds the lake and onto the environmental education center. We were hoping to see the type of late winter / early spring colors in the marsh that I recently saw in a feeder stream on a Lower Rail-trail (see my 3/26/21). The mix of late winter colors and those of the coming spring were very nice!
Pete doesn’t know how wonderful these photos are! I’m sure one day a professional will see them and cause them to go “Viral.”