Obie in Charge (10/25/20)
Our daughter tells us that Obie is not our cat; rather, we are Obie's humans. Obie does seem to be in charge.
" l like to help make the bed."
"...And then hide under the covers."
"I also like to hide in the clothes piles on laundry day."
"Yoga is good exercise. This pose is called the 'relaxed cat.' I do not do downward dogs."
"Sorry, this chair is taken. What's that, you want me to move? Really?"
"Okay, I gave up the chair, but I get to sit with you. You can do your Sudoku later. Right now, I need the back of my neck scratched with both of your paws."
"Of all of the critters in the back yard - birds, rabbits, squirrels... - chip monks are my favorite."
"They come right up close to the door. Please let me outside to play with them"
"I think I smell supper."
"Yep, its dinner time!. I hope it is that food with lots of gravy."
Handsome Son